Jan 31, 2010

Samantha vs. The Sandwich

Samantha had a sandwich for lunch today.  

It was a good sandwich. 

It had turkey.  And bacon.  mmm...bacon.  
And lettuce.

And tomato.

Mayo too.

I think she even put mustard on there too. 

And I don't just mean good.  I mean GOOD!!! 

The kind of GOOD!!! that makes you do this...


...close your eyes and savor the GOOD!!!ness.
The thing about GOOD!!! sandwiches though...

...most of the time, they are BIG!!!

Samantha's sandwich was BIG!!!

I told her when she started that there was no way she was going to finish it.  

She insisted that she would finish it.  

Shortly into the second half, I knew she was done for.  

Wanna know how I know?

Cuz she looked at me like this

And she looked at the sandwich like this...


The Sandwich won that day.
Not another bite was taken.

But it was still a GOOD!!! sandwich.

Wanna know how I know?

Because halfway through Egypt, Samantha was ready for a nap.

Samantha - 0; The Sandwich - 1
But there's always the next GOOD!!! sandwich, right?

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