Jan 29, 2010

Homeschool Friday!

So,  the sexy plumber accidentally took the only working key to our Kid-Mobile (a.k.a. mini-van) with him to work.  Now, this threw a few kinks in our day...mainly that I couldn't take the kids to school.  But the thought of plunking them in front of the TV all day so I could get my chores accomplished, while easy, made me feel guilty.  So, I decided that we would have a little "school"-time, the Loperena Way.  

First, Belle practiced her cursive while Maya did some letter worksheets.

Here's Belle doing her cursive.  At school they started introducing cursive writing after the kids came back from Christmas Break.


And Maya doing her letter "worksheets"


Then, when they tired of that, they started a "game".  
Here's how it worked...the girls picked a letter, then took their shopping cart and "shopped" around the house for items that began with the chosen letter.  

First they picked B.  Since Bella was too big to fit in the shopping cart, they found...

...Boots, Barbie, Blanket, and, the two I was really impressed with...a Bendaroo and a Basset Hound!  Impressive!

Then they picked M.  Here's what they found...


Minnie Mouse


A Monkey


A Maraca


 and a Marker.


The next letter choice was D.

They found...


a doll...


a Dad...


a  D magnet 


a Dog


and a dolphin.


 Before they lost interest, they searched for E things...which turned out to be quite difficult.
But they came up with...
...an Elephat, Ear Muffs, a egg, and a dumbbell.


Now, you may be saying, "Dumbbell doesn't start with E!  What are you teaching those kids?!?!"
Well, to Bella, my dumbbell represented...EXERCISE!  Creative thinking!  Love it!

So, now, in addition to getting the dryer to actually dry clothes, getting the dishes done, and cleaning the computer/homeschool area, I actually feel like I accomplished something! 

Nevermind that Bella poked herself in the eye with her scissors.  That, we will pretend never happened.  ;) 

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