Jan 21, 2010

A Party - Loperena Princesses Style~

The other night, the girls decided to throw a little party for Auntie Samantha and I.  There were shopping bags overflowing with presents.  Many laughs were had by all.  Hope you get a few chuckles out of it as well.

WHAT did I get myself in to?

Yes.  That's a Hannah Montana Skirt on my head.  I love my daughters.  Really.  I do.

I mean, how could I not?

Even when they make me look like this.

Sam.  I've got another surprise for you...

Wait Bella.  Just let me fix her crown.

Just about right Sam...hold still.

There.  That's perfect.

How about this instead, Maya?

Bella approves...

...but obviously has something else up her sleeve.

WAIT!  I thought we were torturing Sam?

Ha Ha!  Yeah...we'll get Sam too!

Yeah Maya!  What should we do to them next?  They are at our mercy...

I think I'll just snuggle with crazy mommy for a few minutes Bella.

OK Maya...then I'll just take pictures of all of you!  SMILE!!!  SAM!  MAYA!  Smile!

Fine.  You don't have to smile.

But Mommy and Sam will smile for me!!  :)

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