Jan 18, 2010

Homework Sucks

Since she stayed home with her sister last week while she was sick, Belle didn't have enough time at school to finish her work, so it got sent home.  She had 8 pages of practicing letters...Capital L, M, and N.  Lower case l and m (why no n?  i dunno...?).  And cursive lower case l, m, and n.  Now I totally understand that these are incredibly boring (and Bella reminded me NUMEROUS times how boring they are), but, they need to be done.

So, after being unable to focus in the itchen/family room because of the activity going on (Bella has focus issues to begin with), I sent her to the desk in my room to work.  I went to check on her a little while later...and she wasn't at the desk in my room. 


"Yes Mommy?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm right here."

I opened the bathrom door.

I found...

"Hi Mommy.  I could still hear you guys through the door and couldn't concerntrate, so I came in here."

Mommy starts laughing uncontrollably. 

Bella gets pissed at me for laughing.

Mommy apologizes and explains she wasn't laughing at HER, but was just tickled by her creativity. 

All is good again.

Thank God I had just scrubbed the toilet the day before. 

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