Jan 21, 2010

My First Video Blog

By now we all know that as of late I've been "organizing" my old photos and such. Now, I have found this process, while overwhelming and very time consuming, very rewarding. More than a handful of times I have found myself smiling ear to ear; laughing uncontrollably; wiping away the tears, some happy, some sad; or wondering why there was no clutter in my house and everything looked about 3 shades (ok fine! 10 shades!) lighter white. This series of videos invoked all of those responses from me. I hope you enjoy this trip back in time half as much as I did.

This is Bella, interacting with Grandma Joa and I. These were April, 2005. Bella was about 1.5 years old.

PS - Mom...I really like your haircut in these. <3

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