Jan 8, 2010

A Blanket of White

What a beautiful snow we had yesterday.  I'm sure it wasn't beautiful for the people trying to drive around in in, but from the comfort of my living room, gorgeous.  It was too cold to play for too long, but the girls did get to enjoy it for a few minutes.

(Just pretend that mess in the background doesn't exist...it's not still there, I promise...ok...I can't lie.  It's still there.  And probably worse.  I'm an imperfect person.)

Aunt Samantha layin' down the law about being prepared to play in the snow.  The girl is from Wisconsin, you should listen to her, girls! 

"You'd better RUN Maya!!!"

"I'm warning you!"

"Oh yeah?  I can throw snow too!"

"Oh look Bella!  We found a buried treasure!"

The birdhouse Bella made in pottery class

"Come on Bella!  Hurry Up!  I've got a 'surprise' for you!"

Bella didn't quite understand about cutting it too close going around the tree.

But she didn't give up.

And they were back on track!

And of course...no snow play would be complete without...

Muffins and Hot Chocolate for my Muffin Butts!  <3

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