Nov 21, 2009

Becoming Me!

OK.  I have decided.  They can write blogs.  I can write a blog.  Right?  Right.  Julie did it in Julie and Julia.  (No.  Still haven't seen the movie and I am already stealing the idea.)  So.  My idea is.  To blog me becoming me.  You know, all those, "I wanna be the kind of woman who..."s that we torture ourselves with?  Well.  Now.  My mission impossible...I am going to (did you notice how I didn't say "I am going to TRY to"?  Good, eh?)...I AM GOING TO become all those women.  And, if after trying, I decide I don't like that woman, I will unbecome her. will become the kind of woman who...writes a blog!  :) I became the kind of woman who Makes Homemade Yogurt.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  Today, I attempted to make homemade yogurt.  MANGO flavor at that!  Tomorrow I will know if I will continue to be the kind of woman who makes homemade yogurt.  TeeeHee... 

Tomorrow...I will become the kind of woman who................

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