Mar 21, 2010

Houston...we have lift off!

So, as you saw in the last post, we started our veggie seeds a couple weeks ago.  
That was March 7th.  

March 12th, we found our first sprouts!

March 14th, we had more sprouts!

The broccoli and cauliflower came up gangbusters!

Over the next few days, many things have's how our garden has grown...

These are strawberries...I'll probably end up picking up plants at the nursery too, but I figured I'd give it a shot with some seeds.  Can't hurt...

It's really hard to see, but there are some really tiny sprouts in there.

The corn seeds sprouted up yesterday, but I haven't gotten pictures of them yet.

And sorry about the weird rotation of the pictures. 

Hopefully, there will be signs of raised bed boxes being built soon.  :)

Mar 13, 2010

Starting the garden

As you can see, the thermometer crossed the 50 degree mark earlier this week (it actually crossed the 70 degree mark a couple days later!!!!  :) ).

The girls and I seized the opportunity to get outside and start our veggie and herb seeds.

The girls were so excited and happy to be out in the fresh air.

I was too.

We planned out what was going to get planted.

We filled with dirt.

We put in seeds.

Corn seeds were what Maya picked.

We also planted sunflower seeds.

We had fun getting our hands dirty...

...but the girls eventually ditched me.

Why do they always ditch me?

Does this mean they are really going to move out and leave me someday?

Please say no.

Luckily Sam jumped in and picked up their slack.

Mine too, I think.  

I seem to be taking a lot more pictures than planting seeds. ;)

But when all was said and done...

...everything was planted...


...and put out to enjoy the sunshine.

And I got to enjoy this...

...I hope I get to enjoy that everyday for the rest of my life!  <3

Mar 1, 2010

I Must Confess

At the risk of totally humiliating myself "in front of" the people I love, I must confess. 

Approximately two minutes ago, I found myself standing at the kitchen sink, generously swiping the sides of a bowl with my index finger, trying to get every last drop of waffle batter into my mouth so it can attach itself to my thighs.

While busting a move to the Ni Hao, Kai Lan theme song.

And I was singing along.

With waffle batter dripping down my chin.

It was one of my better moments.  :)