Dec 31, 2009

More Homeschooling

I've determined that the most challenging part of this process for me is knowing what I should be teaching. You'd think it would be easy to find the standards for each grade level, but not really. However...I did find a list on the World Book's website. That will help. I'm thinking I can make a little checklist for each grade, so I have some guidance as to what lessons to prepare.

I also found a great site for PreSchool and Early Elementary literature centered lessons.'snew.php I've printed the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, The Giving Tree, Goodnight Gorilla, and I will never NOT EVER eat a Tomato units. Going to try to do one with the girls over the weekend...we'll see how it goes. :)

Came back to add:  A dear friend helped me locate the State of IN standards for each grade for each "subject".  (Thanks!) 

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